Fall Sports

A Google form of interest was sent out to students in grades 6-11 for fall sports on Monday May 13, 2024.  They were asked to fill out the form if they were interested in any of the offered sports for fall so I can check to see if they have a valid physical on file.  I will be emailing all parents of students who signed up which don’t have valid physicals on file in the Health Office.   Dr. Carl Sgambati, School Physician, will be coming in June to do any sports physicals for those students not in compliance.  

Parents will NEED to officially sign the students up at the end of July through FamilyID/ArbiterSports in order for them to participate in sports in August.  I cannot open registration before then due to the 30 day update.  I will send a ParentSquare Message when it’s open, and it can also be found on the Mechanicville website under the athletics links “Sports Registration”.

A new registration is REQUIRED each season.

Any questions, please feel free to email me at pdunn@mechanicville.org.