2021 WSWHE BOCES Legislative Priorities
2021 Legislative Priorities vF 01 20 21
2021 Legislative Priorities vF 01 20 21
Explanation and Description of Virtual In-Person Option Due to the impact that the pandemic has had on faculty and staff, not only testing positive, but the requirements of mandatory quarantine of healthy staff, the district made the difficult decision to go with a full virtual instructional model grades K-12 following the holiday recess. We will …
Continue reading “Explanation and Description of Virtual In-Person Option”
Red Raider Community: As a school community we continue to feel the negative impact of this virus. As we anticipated challenges coming off of the holiday recess we made the decision to to go full remote grades K-12. We also felt it was important to provide an in person option so families of our MES …
Continue reading “Message from Superintendent Potter – January 21, 2021”
Please join us for an unveiling of our new website tonight at 6pm! Coffee Chat Meet Link: https://meet.google.com/oyw-zukz-eii Tutorial to enter the meet: https://tinyurl.com/y36x89s2
Red Raider Community: Yesterday, I communicated a difficult decision in order to continue to provide the best possible education for our students. Ultimately, our sole responsibility is to educate the children of our community. I’m writing today to provide the rationale that went into my decision. I need to balance the needs of our …
Continue reading “Important Update from Superintendent Potter – 12-31-2020”
Please click HERE to see video from Bruce Potter- Superintendent.
Red Raider Community: I’m writing to discuss our plan for handling issues that arise from inclement weather. As has always been my practice, decisions are made based solely on the safety of our students and staff members. Although COVID and our re-entry plan provided opportunities for virtual learning we do not have the capacity K-12 …
Make a Team Sign up in the Cafeteria Deadline to sign up is December 10, 2020 ALL houses should come to the cafeteria on Monday December 21 IN THE MORNING so they can be on display. Judging will be held Tuesday December 22, 2020. ALL entries must be removed on Wednesday December 23, before Winter Break. No …
The Food Service Team is making a plan to provide meals for the 7 – 12 virtual students during the month of December. We will be offering a 5-day meal kit including 5 breakfasts and 5 lunches. These meal kits will be ready each Monday (December 7, 14, 21 and January 4th) We will NOT …
Red Raider Community: This letter is to help all of our students and their families understand the purpose of the upcoming virtual days in the Mechanicville City School District. On Tuesday, November 24th, our elementary school will be holding an all virtual day during which all students will learn from home for grades K-5. No …