Parents as Partners Webinar Series: Ways to Motivate and Engage Your Child

Ways to Motivate and Engage Your Child   Jan 31, 2023    6:30 PM Most of us were raised with behavioral reinforcement systems, such as earning TV time for getting chores done and a little extra money for good grades on report cards. For some kids, systems like this work well enough, but for kids with …

ARP ESSR District Plans

ARP ESSR District Plans Attached: ARP-ESSR Application Part 1 Assurances ARP ESSR Application Part 2 ARP Act ESSR_FS10A ARP Learning Loss Narrative ARP Summer Enrichment  FS10 ARP Learning Loss FS10 ARP-ASP Budget Narrative Please contact Meghan Warren, Director of Data & Accountability, if you require documents that are non-electronic. 

Parents as Partners Webinar Series: Help Your Child Learn to Manage Strong Emotions- 1/17/23 @ 6:30pm

Parents as Partners Webinar Series: Help Your Child Learn to Manage Strong Emotions Jan 17, 2023  – 6:30 PM   Being able to recognize the physical warning signs and knowing how to regulate the body in order to manage strong emotions such as anger, guilt, sadness and even elation, are skills that must be developed …

Regents week will be held from January 24, 2023-January 27, 2023.

Regents week will be held from January 24, 2023-January 27, 2023. Monday January 23,2022 is a regular school day for all. Please see the schedule below for details regarding scheduling:   Grades 6-8: January 23, 2023 Regular School Day January 24, 2023:  ½ Day dismissal 11:15am January 25, 2023: ½ Day dismissal 11:15am January 26, …

Senior Breakfast 2022

In keeping with tradition our Senior Class was served a delicious warm breakfast this morning by administrators and faculty with a special visit from Santa #RedRaiderPride #Classof2023

Music To Our Ears!

December has been an incredible month for our talented Jr/Sr HS Chorus and Band students beginning on December 12th when Ms. Maria Pflegl led her chorus students with an amazing Winter Concert, followed by Ms. Taylor Robey’s band students (and a few staff!) performed to a packed house on December 19th!  Hats off to all our Jr/Sr Red …

2nd grade Writing Celebration

Wonderful time writing! Our 2nd grade Writing Celebration was held on December 19th and the students were super excited to have our 7th graders join in on the fun!” #RedRaiderPride  

December Speaker Series – Social Media

Welcome back to our Mechanicville Elementary School Speaker Series.  This episode focuses on Social Media.   Be sure to watch our video, take a look at our flyer (with additional information about popular apps attached) and submit any additional questions you may have to our questionnaire (links within the flyer).  ​December Speaker Series Video – Social Media

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