Wrestling Event tonight 2/25/21

Livestream links for tonight’s match with Tamarac and Watervliet: Mat 1: https://t.co/hOyMRCgmwc  Mat 2: https://t.co/PqmFSjKlh4

Boys & Girls Basketball Schedule week of 2/22- 2/27/21

2/23/21 – South Glens Falls vs Mechanicville – Boys Basketball – JV tips off 5pm, Varsity 6:30pm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7e4VluzfBnQ Girls JV away at South Glen Falls -5pm Girls Varsity away at South Glen Falls- 6:30pm 2/26/21– Saratoga Central Catholic vs Mechanicville – Girls Basketball – Varsity tips off 5PM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtBOUKUq_-8 Boys JV away at Saratoga Central …

March BOE Meeting Date Change

Red Raider Community: Please note that our regular BOE meeting scheduled for March 4, 2021 will now be held on March 2, 2021, as Section 2 has contacted us and are asking for a commitment from each school wishing to participate in football by having the Board of Education approve a resolution by March 3, …

Schedule Girls varsity and JV basketball

Rosters 2-16 TUESDAY MHS VG AWAY STILLWATER 6:30pm MHS JVG AWAY STILLWATER 5:00pm Tuesdays games will be rescheduled for Wednesday (same times) if the weather is bad. https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCVxfe6ZPNqPHD5oetBa6WkA 2-19 FRIDAY MHS VG HOME GALWAY 12:00pm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ux9vMC9PsRI 2-20 SATURDAY MHS VG AWAY GALWAY 11:00am https://www.youtube.com/user/GalwayCSD/live

Schedule Boys varsity and JV basketball

Rosters 2-16 TUESDAY VB HOME STILLWATER 6:30pm JV B HOME STILLWATER 5:00pm Tuesdays games will be rescheduled for Wednesday(same times) if weather is bad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LL9Lb3-rq6k 2-19 FRIDAY VB AWAY GALWAY 12:30pm JV B AWAY GALWAY 11:00am https://www.youtube.com/user/GalwayCSD/live 2-20 SATURDAY VB HOME GALWAY 11:00am (changed) JV B HOME GALWAY 12:30pm (changed) hthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wb6CBkJ4CNgtps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wb6CBkJ4CNg

Regulatory email address/phone number for Covid-19 concerns

Red Raider Community: To be in compliance with Saratoga County Department of Health guidelines regarding high risk winter sports, Mechanicville CSD has established a confidential phone number and email address to allow student-athletes, parents, or others to report concerns regarding COVID-19. You may call 518-450-4093 or email covidconcerns@mechanicville.org to submit your concerns. My Best, Bruce

Community Update 1/30/21

Red Raider Community: I’m writing to provide a real time update regarding the start of high risk sports within our district. Before going into greater detail, I want to first share that our number one priority and focus of district administration is the resumption of in person and hybrid learning. To that end, I am …

Explanation and Description of Virtual In-Person Option

Explanation and Description of Virtual In-Person Option Due to the impact that the pandemic has had on faculty and staff, not only testing positive, but the requirements of mandatory quarantine of healthy staff, the district made the difficult decision to go with a full virtual instructional model grades K-12 following the holiday recess. We will …

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