Please find the District-wide School Safety Plan HERE For comment period (30 days) please email the District Clerk Cathy O’brien at cobrien@mechanicville.org

New Regulations for Graduation

Dear Parents and Honored Seniors –   We have been informed of new guidance and information since last evening’s post in regard to end of the year ceremonies for graduation.  Moving forward, the State has eased the testing mandate for all attendees at schools’ end of year outdoor commencement ceremonies. With this change in regulations, we …

BOE Special Meeting date change

Please be advised that the Special Board of Education meeting scheduled for this Thursday, June 17th, has been moved to next Wednesday, June 23rd. It will be held at 6:00pm in the Jr./Sr. High School Cafeteria.

NYS Mask Guidance

Red Raider Community: I will be hosting a virtual meeting tomorrow night 6/6/21 at 8:00pm to answer any questions you have regarding the recent changes to NYS mask requirements in school. A meeting link will be sent out via Parent Square. Enjoy the beautiful weather! Below is the meeting link and tutorial for 8pm Sunday …

Coffee Chat Update

Dear Red Raider Community: Please note we will not be having our regularly scheduled Coffee Chat tomorrow, June 2nd. However, there will be a Special Board of Education meeting on June 17th at 6:00pm in the High School Cafeteria. Superintendent Potter will outline how the district plans to allocate the $3.4M in federal rescue funds …

2021-22 Kindergarten Registration and Screening Information

Hey incoming Red Raiders! At the beginning of next week, Mrs. Pisculli from our main office will start calling families about setting up their incoming Kindergartener’s screening appointments. The dates and times are as follows: Monday, August 16th – 8:00am-2:30pm Thursday, August 19th – 12:00pm-6:30pm Tuesday, August 24th – 12:00pm-6:30pm We will only be calling …

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