Special BOE Meeting- Reopening Plan

Red Raider Community: At the August 5th Board of Education meeting, the decision was made to have fulltime in-person instruction every day. What remains to be determined is mask wearing and other layered mitigation strategies.  We are collaborating with our local BOCES and Saratoga County DOH to align a best practice approach for these specific …

Universal Pre Kindergarten

Please find the following PDF for an RFP for Universal Pre Kindergarten

Update to Community 7/28

Red Raider Community: I had scheduled a virtual Coffee Chat for tonight at 6:00 to provide our community with reopening updates so that our students, staff, and parents can be well prepared for what to expect when we begin in September.  As of today, July 28th, 2021, New York State has not provided guidance to …

MS Supply Lists!

Please find the following grade level supply lists at the following links! 6th Grade: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15wV-esW4YorBjkx9JMWA2amIpsqPasdoMilBfh1iEog/edit?usp=sharing 7th Grade: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13un8PxpmEQGfb0QGa4jCcQhFRoVNH1r45KjthUspAyc/edit?usp=sharing 8th Grade:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vF77eWOCizejedqvDKg1BMjd5KhGMWII5xgokij_-xk/edit?usp=sharing

ES Supply Lists!

Please see the ES supply list for year 2021-2022 HERE!

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