
It is the duty of the administration of Mechanicville City School District to establish clear guidelines for the registration of new students. In an effort to ensure that all students are properly placed in a timely manner, we ask that parents/guardians provide the documents listed below to our Central Registrar. Please contact Karen Higgins to make an appointment.

Pre-K Registration Info

Pre-K Slots at the Mechanicville Area Community Center are still available for the 2024-2025 school year.  The Mechanicville City School District received a UPK expansion grant for an additional Pre-K classroom which  will be located and instruction provided by the Mechanicville Area Community Center. At this time spots are available for the Mechanicville Area Community Center Pre-K Classroom. Please be advised a child must be 4 by December 1 of the school year to qualify for a Pre-k program. 

Please contact Meghan Warren for additional information. 

Pre-K for 2025-2026 School Year Flyer

2025-2026 Pre-K Interest Survey

The UPK lottery for the 25-26 school year will be held in the Spring of 2025 (May). Information will be posted on the  Mechanicville City School District website and social media for announcements, information and links to a Google Form to enter the lottery. Please be advised a child must be 4 by December 1 of the school year to qualify for a Pre-k program.

Online Pre-Registration

Please register your children via our online pre-registration system before your appointment with our district registrar at this Schooltool Online Preregistration link.

Electronic Paperwork

These files are in PDF format. If you are having trouble accessing them, please contact the Central Registrar. Student Enrollment Packets for grades K-12 can also be picked up in the Central Registrar’s Office located in the Jr./Sr. High School Office.